The Nineveh Constant

This information seems to be somewhat suppressed. It should be easy to find

Check this out...

If we compress the speed of light by a factor of 34560 we get the speed of sound. 

If we compress the speed of sound by a factor of 34560 we get the speed of heat.


Turns out 34560 is the seed number for many cycles in the universe. 

Another astonishing fact is that a Sumerian clay tablet named after its finding place Nineveh has been found that contains a cosmological constant (The Nineveh Constant) with a value of 70 * 60^7 (seventy times sixty raised to the power of seven).

Picture of clay tablet from Library of Ashurbanipal 

Unfortunately the work of Chatlain has been discredited as he is an outspoken proponent of the Ancient Astronaut theory. He believes ancient aliens visited this planet and gave this knowledge to humanity.

While possible, it is important to Know when you don't truly Know something.

Lachman (2015) has a very different theory. In his fascinating book he discusses the properties of the right and left brain, stating that over the last 3000 years the left brain has dominated and we have forgotten how to use our right brains. But it is the right brain that is able to calculate such impossibly high numbers, not by systematic trail and error, but by intuiting the big picture. He cites Idiot Savants who also have this ability, who can take a number 16 digits long and tell you whether it is prime (cannot be divided by any number but itself and 1) or square root of that number with out pencil or paper—or computer. Lachman contends this is a right brain function—one we have lost over the last millennia.

If you want to be truly boggled, check out the Forbidden Archeology website. They have an article on the Constant of Nineveh. Here it is related to Plato, Atlantis, earth’s dimensions, the Eye of Horus, Pi, cubits and other measurements, as well as the Maya.
