The Number 33

(33 vertebra - human spine)

33 is not a prime, but the 33rd prime, 137, is part of cracking the code. 137, the God number, the fine structure constant (a dimensionless, elegant number in physics that is constant when used in equations as how everything “sticks together”).

33 has always seemed like an important number. Almost as if there was hidden meaning - often used in mysticism, religion, Freemasonry and even marketing. This is not me surmising, this is a general opinion expressed on the internet and backed up by a massive amount of verifiable facts. Here's just one more to make you think...

The 33rd prime number is 137
The divisors are 1, 137

The fine-structure constant is 1/137.

In the Christian faith, Jesus is recorded as performing 33 miracles before his death at age 33. 

The Vatican recognizes 33 Doctors of the Church, the last being St. Teresa of Lisieux. In the Vatican, St. Peter’s Basilica has 33 chapels. The Anglican rosary has 33 beads and the Greek Orthodox prayer rope has 33 knots. From the King James Version of the Bible, John 3:3 says: “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 

Islamic prayer beads are typically 33 beads on a string and often three-bead strings are worn together representing the 99 names of God. Of the 99 names the 33rd name is al-Azim the Supreme Glory.

The Rig Veda is possibly the oldest written book in the world dating from at least as early as 1700 BC. It describes “the 33 divinities.” The number 33 is in the Rig Veda and another text Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Chapter 3, which states there are 11 gods in heaven, 11 on earth and 11 in-between. 

Yoga Sutra 3.33 states: “through keenly developed intuition, everything can be known.” This can be interpreted as meaning the initiates see what most don’t see. Jesus had said “Let those with ears, hear” a reference again meaning a majority miss the point, even while a minority do understand. 

Hindi mystics claim there are entities called devas that serve as guardians of nature and the cosmic creation. There number 33 of these entities.

In Buddhism, Kuan Yin is a goddess and a bodhisattva - tied to both Chinese and Japanese Buddhism - a goddess of compassion and fertility. Like Mary in the Christian tradition, she is said to aid souls to get to nirvana. She is often depicted holding a child, very much like depictions of Mary and the baby Jesus. She assumes 33 appearances. According to the Lotus Sutra she undergoes 33 transformations to help attain salvation. In Japan she is Gannon and worshippers may take the “Pilgrimage to the 33 Holy Places of Gannon.”

Taoists believe their religion originated upon Holy Mountain Wudang. A Ming Dynasty Emporer ordered 33 temples built here ("The Forbidden City" - currently a World Heritage site. 

The Tibetan Book of the Dead describes 33 Heavens ruled by Indra and 33 ruled by Mara. In India Indra is often depicted riding an elephant with 33 heads and 33 tusks.

Zoroastrianism originated in Persia. The principle deity is Ahura Mazda who created the universe in 33 steps. 
